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Mac disclabel

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One important thing to remember about the Betta is that it cannot breathe underwater as well as other fish. They need to come to the surface for air, so the surface of your tank should be kept clean too. If you have ever seen a spotty catfish at the bottom of a Goldfish tank then it is likely you spotted a Bristlenose Pleco. These fish are best known for their adorable nose bristles which develop when the fish reaches maturity. The males have much longer bristles which makes it easy to tell the two genders apart. If your tank has an algae problem then a Bristlenose Pleco can help. They will munch on any algae that they find and help to keep your tank clean. Just remember they prefer a warm-temperate tank between 60-75☏, with large pebbles and cobbles for substrate. Cardinal TetraĬardinal Tetras can add color to any aquarium. These stunning little fish have icy blue lateral lines against a bright red base color.Ī school of 6 to 8 of these fish adds a lovely accent to any biotope, especially when they are kept alongside other bright tetras.

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If you add in Rasboras and Zebra Danios then you will create the most colorful tank you will ever see. These fish stand out in the very best way when they are paired with Java ferns and other low light plants. In rare cases Cardinal Tetras will nip at fish with long fins.

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Keep this in mind if you are looking to add Gouramis to your tetra tank. Sumatran Clown Loaches have bright red fins.There are two different kinds of Clown Loaches from two different countries: Sadly Clownfish are not freshwater fish, so the next best thing is the Clown Loach. Interestingly they have no scales on their head. Ideal tank mates include Pleco catfish and other loaches, but they are also compatible with some of the more peaceful cichlids.

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