William soccer spirits anime
William soccer spirits anime

Now, she lives a double life, operating as a pop star during the day, but at night she’s an assassin for Talon. Almost at the perfect time, she received a message from Talon, offering a solution to her problems and she jumped at the opportunity. Once your in the game though, you don’t get out, and the Boss was starting to request more than she wanted to give. Soon she had everything she thought she’d wanted. Doing a variety of jobs, she was eventually noticed by the higher ups who would grow invested in her and her skills. Eventually, to pay for vocal lessons and dance lessons, she got mixed in with the wrong crowd. Roxy always had dreams of being a music artist and constantly found comfort in singing and dancing. She grew up with a single mother in a slum city overrun by gangs. She’s the daughter Gabriel Reyes never knew he had. Operating under a stage name, Jez’s real name is Roxanne Williams and she’s 25 years old. But the most uncommon occurrence is the dreams of a "celebrity", on those they reveal things to me that often are proven to be right later on and other times things that are so private that I doubt they will ever be known. Sometimes information comes across in vivid dreams or a snippet of images when I'm very relaxed, specially if it's important and I'm ignoring it in everyday life. As you can imagine friendships, family, and relationships can be difficult but I have learned to block them out and to ignore the connection.

william soccer spirits anime

I try not to dig deep or connect too much as people can be awful and even the best of them have no control on their thoughts and emotions. It is usually easier for me to read someone if there are not many others around and if I'm alone I can even do it by looking at a picture or touching something that belongs to them. Let me tell you that it can be difficult for me sometimes to be in a big crowd if I am feeling particularly sensitive.

william soccer spirits anime

I am able to connect with people's emotions and also know things about them.

William soccer spirits anime